Monday, 14 May 2012

The M-16 Agenda by James P Wilcox

The M-16 Agenda

The M-16 Agenda by James P. Wilcox


Wow, just wow. If you aren't a fan of political thrillers then this isn't the book for you. If you are then this book should be on your must read list. It's very well written, and incredibly layered.

The story not only deals with the political aspirations of the main character, Jack, but also the impact on his family and those around him. We follow him from the events that lead him to want to get into politics, through three different campaigns. We not only learn how it takes a toll on him, but what the toll is on his family and those around him. The story makes it quite clear that not only does he pay the price for his aspirations, but his family pays just as heavy a price, and at times maybe even more.

The one thing that I really enjoyed was the relationship between Jack and his wife. It's very well written and makes it clear that she is just as responsible for his success as he is. The story moves along at a great pace, and keeps things interesting. There are no dull points where the reader is given filler just to up the word count, every detail counts!

If you enjoy political thrillers, then you'll love this book. I couldn't stop reading it, and was sorry when I got to the end!

A Human Element by Donna Galanti

A Human Element

A Human Element by Donna Galanti


After reading the blurb, I thought that this book sounded like something I'd enjoy, and enjoy it I did! The two lead characters are likable, and as you learn more and more about each one, you realize that there are many layers to each. The reader follows these characters from childhood into adulthood, and gets to know and understand them along the way.

I really was impressed with the way that Ms Galanti kept her characters so real, even when unreal things were happening, to them and around them. I found that the reactions they had were pretty much what you expected them to have, and they didn't ever seem to be just so over the top that the story became unbelievable. Considering the subject matter, that could have happened all too easily. The other thing that I really appreciated was the fact that even though there was some romance in the story at no point did it take anything way from the storyline. It was just a natural progression of the story and it was very well written.

All in all, I think that if you enjoy the paranormal genre, then you'll enjoy this book. The story stays with you and is well paced and very interesting. It's well worth a read.

Monday, 7 May 2012

This Time Forever by Patricia Paris

This Time Forever

This Time Forever by Patricia  Paris


5 of 5 stars false


What a wonderfully written, fun story! I have to say that I really enjoyed this. I'd never read anything by Ms Paris so I had no expectations at all. But I thought it sounded like a good read, so I gave it a try. I'm so glad that I did.

I fell in love with the characters pretty fast. The character of Delaney is an only child, as am I. I found it so easy to identify with her and her reactions, it was uncanny! I can't say that I would have done the same things she did, but I knew where she was coming from. (So that's my spoiler #1). Both she and the leading man were wonderfully written. I found myself laughing at them, being frustrated with them, and sometimes almost crying at the things they did! All of the characters in the book were fun and were the kind of people we all have in our lives.

The story moves along at a nice easy pace, and at no point did it drag along or seem to just wander off the rails. I so enjoyed my time spent in Cedar Cove, I'll go back to visit! The final few chapters of the book are wonderfully written, and there is one chapter, close to the end of the book, that had me laughing out loud. You'll know it when you get to it, because it's just so amusing you can't help but laugh! (That's spoiler #2)

The story is fun, and refreshing, and the characters are marvelous! It's more of a slice of life read, because the situation could very well happen to anyone. If you want an enjoyable read, this is it. As you can tell, my spoilers aren't much of a spoil, either!