Monday, 9 April 2012

My Blood Runs Blue by Stacy Eaton

My Blood Runs Blue

My Blood Runs Blue by Stacy Eaton


4 of 5 stars
Read from March 31 to April 03, 2012

I do my best not to read reviews posted by others before I read a book because I worry it will affect what I think. So I read the synopsis of this book, and then bought it. I have to say that I really enjoyed it!

I knew it was a crime type story, but that's pretty much it. It's a crime story and so much more! I really enjoyed all the characters in the book, and I have to say that at no point was i bored or even a little tired of any of them. I found all the characters to be well rounded and believable, which was a lovely change!

There were some surprises and some interesting turns. Ms Eaton does a wonderful job of making sure that all the loose ends get tied up, and at no point was I left wondering, 'Yes, but...' The reader is left wondering for awhile, but sooner or later the answer is given.

This book had it all. It tied together nicely two of my favorite genre's and was believable in the way it was done. I loved the interaction of the characters and how they reacted to the things that were happening to them. I also found that when I was finished, I really wanted to get the next book in the series, because I want to know what happens next!

I would recommend this one to anyone, I'm sure that it won't disappoint!

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